3 models wearing GaiaStage T-shirts


GaiaStage confirmed to host Zero Carbon Open stage & Karaoke at Norpas Festival 2024 in Dalsbruk!

FRIDAY, 2ND & SATURDAY 3RD AUGUST 2024 | "Gaia Stage – pedal powered performance stage" @ NORPAS Festival, | Taalintehdas | Kemiönsaari

GaiaStage's Zero Carbon Open Stage & Karaoke does NORPAS Festival 2024, Come and feel smug that you're gig won't harm the environment! : )

MONDAY, 10 JUNE 2024 | "Gaia Stage – pedal powered performance stage" Networking Activities | 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM Aalto University | Undergraduate Centre | Otakaari 1 | Y309b

As part of a Networking Activity at SRI/SSD2024, we will present details on the project's technical side and discuss the social research-aspects and Gaia Stage as an activist art project. We will have a simple bicycle generator with us to run a small PA system for participant to have a go at!

WEDNESDAY | 12 JUNE 2024 | Main Building, Agora | K00101-1133 | Fabianinkatu 33, Helsinki

What is more, a GaiaStage mini-version will be accessible to the public as part of the SRI/SSD2024 Congress' Open Day! Come and have a go, and meet us at the Agora of University of Helsinki Main Building all day — from pedalling for charging your phone to extempore karaoke, all is possible!
